Wednesday, September 07, 2005


The roommates and I hung out in the apartment for most of the day except for the grocery shopping trip. Its amazing at how easily we all get exhausted here; its mainly because of the heat. I understand why people constantly rest. I was laughing at my relatives and kept teasing them by saying that all they do is eat and sleep. I spoke too soon. Now I find myself running back to the apartment just so I can sit under the fan.

In the evening, we ventured out to Bandra on the train. We took tons of pictures and hung out of the train like the locals do (there werent that many people around so we were able to do all of this!). Our destination was our Hindi tutor's house where we attended a puja (a prayer gathering). There was a group of six girls that are volunteering in India for six months so we all exchanged numbers! Our network is already growing. We will probably all meet up this weekend to experience the Mumbai nightlife scene. After the puja, we headed over to the upscale restaurant, Olive. I felt like I was in NYC! We were all so happy to eat salads and entrees that we havent seen in weeks. Supposedly Bollywood celebrities hang out at Olive but I didnt see any! Then of course came the daily downpour. It took us 40 minutes to get a taxi and then another 45 to get home. What a night!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

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9/08/2005 5:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like a fantastic holiday. You're absolutely right: the heat and humidity drain a lot of energy. Wonder where you'll go next? Any plans?

9/08/2005 6:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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9/08/2005 6:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I feel like I'm reading a novel that should be titled, "Emaan Goes to India". Bestseller so far!
Glad you're meeting all these people, jealous!

9/08/2005 6:55 PM  
Blogger Tina C said...

i forgot you were doing updates on this site... it sounds like you're doing well (relatively) and things are only going to get more interesting from here on out. lucky that you have internet/cable in your apt - i don't even have cable! :) can't wait to hear when your projects actually get started.

9/08/2005 10:17 PM  

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