Thursday, September 15, 2005

sick : (

I'm sick! So are two of my three roommates. We all stayed home from work today to rest. I slept for majority of the day though I was a little productive. I sent out a questionnaire to AVSAR alumni so I can get started on part of my project. We had our bi-weekly reflection session. Todays topic: Women and the spreading of HIV/AIDs. Did you know that there is medication that you can take while pregnant (if you have AIDs) so that your child's chance of being infected reduces to 5%? I had no idea.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Feel better!!!

btw, that is really cool that you can reduce the chance from like 30-50% to 5% by giving AZT. But the thing is, they usually give multiple drugs to HIV patients, that way it cant mutate and acquire resistance. But to pregnant women(and the newborn for 6 weeks) they give AZT alone, because the other drugs are they might be selecting for AZT resistance...

right, now ive bored you...anyway, HIV is a really interesting topic, because it effects the world in such a huge way. good luck with everything you are doing over there!!! eat some chaat for me!

9/16/2005 2:07 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Emaan,

Sorry you're not feeling well and that I haven't written sooner.

It's been so incredibly busy...I can't even describe it.

It sounds like your learning a lot from your experiences. That's a good thing, even if some of it is difficult to see.

You'll be better for it.

Anyway, I should go. I have to start preparing for our Autism walk on Saturday.

Feel better soon.

9/16/2005 7:04 AM  

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