Monday, September 26, 2005

just another manic monday

I was really excited to go to work today because I had a meeting set up with two of the doctors to go over the work that I had done over the past few weeks. I walked into the office to find a group of six people discussing Niramaya. I walked over to the room (which i've unofficially labeled the "loser" room because no one uses it except me) and sat there for three hours until one of the doctors that I was supposed to meet with came over. He was heading out for the day! He didnt acknowledge my meeting whatsoever and told me to head home to "take rest" because while waiting I started having some sort of allergic reaction which made my eyes bloodshot. I got the picture, he didnt have time (or interest). I met the director of NHF and she said that she'll meet with me tomorrow. Let's hope that it happens. I came home and took a nap. Its weird because I've never been a napper, but in the past month, I've napped almost 4 times a week. Who am I? Also, it seems that almost everyday I wake up with some sort of problem - back pains, neck pains, allergies, fever, headache..whatever. Sometimes I feel like I'm allergic to India. = ) In truth, it just takes some time to get settled in here. I think that two months is a more appropriate time frame to come here for rather than just one month.

I vented at our reflection session and everyone was really supportive. The people at AVSAR told me that I could figure out what I wanted to do with my last few days and if I want to spend some time at another NGO, I could definitely do that too. I have decided to see how tomorrow goes. I only have four days left after all, how much could I do at a new NGO? I'm glad and relieved that its up to me, AVSAR really has been a tremendous support during my time here. If anyone reading this wants to volunteer overseas, then I urge you look into AVSAR as a means of fulfulling that wish. All the logistics are taken care of and the people here are care about YOU as an individual and want you to have the best experience possible. What more could you ask for in a foreign country? And of course, feel free me to ask me about my experience if this blog wasnt indication enough of how much I've learned.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Being abroad is probably just so overwhelming physcially and mentally that it's probably affecting you continually.
Sorry about your meeting. Hopefully it'll be better tomorrow! If not, make it known you want to be as productive as you can in your last few days there.
Good Luck!

9/27/2005 9:57 PM  

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